Sustainability in Packaging Europe

The 7th Edition of Sustainability in Packaging Europe 2022

Sustainability in Packaging Europe will return to Barcelona from November 1 - 4 , as well as in an online format to over 500 packaging innovators!

Discussions and networking for online and in-person guests will continue to promote ideas and packaging solutions toward a circular economy.

Compostable packaging workshop* (in-person)

Tuesday 1 November 2022, 15:00 - 17:00 CET time


Led by Dr. Afsaneh Nabifar, Global Market Development Biopolymers, BASF; Henk Vooijs, Market Development Consultant, Novamont; Lucy Cowton, Sustainability Manager, Futamura; Erwin Vink Sustainability Manager, NatureWorks

Brainstorming sessions addressing where and how compostable applications contribute to a circular economy

โ€ข When compostable is the right choice for a packaging application?

โ€ข What are the challenges for acceptance and implementation of compostable packaging?

โ€ข How can partners in the value chain work together to overcome the challenges?

For further workshop information and to register, please click here:

Conference Day One - Wednesday 2 November




08:55 OPENING KEYNOTE: Key legislative initiatives under the circular economy action plan Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit Presso, European Commission

09:20 EUROPEN - Industry perspective Francesca Stevens, Managing Director, EUROPEN

09:35 Reshaping plastics Marco ten Bruggencate, Plastics Europe President, Commercial Vice President for Packaging and Specialty Plastics EMEA, Dow



Chair: Kelly L. Helein, Vice President, Strategic Accounts, Footprint

10:00 Circular economy: how packaging can help decrease carbon footprint and in turn, climate change

โ€ข What is circular economy and why is so important to design with it in mind.

โ€ข The role of packaging in circular economy.

โ€ข The risks behind alternate materials: a look at factors like transportation (of raw materials and packaged goods), waste generated and collections.

โ€ข Going back to basics: buy local, make things last and find value in waste Dr. Marta Pazos, Owner and Founder, Dr. MP, Inc

10:15 Presentation title TBC Bernhard Bauske, Expert on packaging and Marine Litter, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 10:30 Q&A session with speakers from this session 10:40 Networking break sponsored by



Chair: Willemijn Peeters, CEO & Founder, Searious Business

11:25 KEYNOTE: A realistic approach to delivering sustainable packaging โ€“ a retailers view Paul Earnshaw, Senior Packaging Manager, Tesco


โ€ข Circular business models

โ€ข Cross-value chain collaboration

โ€ข How to align the business towards reaching 2025 targets?

โ€ข Are customers responding well to packaging changes? What are the challenges?

โ€ข Perspective on the future of packaging Panel moderator: Willemijn Peeters, CEO & Founder, Searious Business Panellists: Gizem Narin, Technical Packaging Engineer, Metro AG Stuart Lendrum, Head of Packaging, Quality and Food Safety, Iceland Hannah Drew, Global Circular Packaging Manager, ALDI SOUTH Group


Chair: Dr. Gerald Rebitzer,

Sustainability Director, Amcor

14:10 PAPER BOTTLE PANEL: Fibre and paper innovations are in the focus of many consumer goods brands, to reduce the carbon footprint, improve recyclability and make packaging that the consumers find appealing and sustainable. Through the Paper Bottle Company (PABOCO) and their joint community, Coca Cola in Europe, P&G, Lโ€™Oreal, The Absolut Company and Carlsberg Group are working together to develop paper bottles within very different industries.

This session will provide insights into the vision these companies share by working together, the status of their paper bottle development and some of the challenges they are facing in making paper bottles a consumer-scale reality. Panel moderator: Nรบria Renom, Senior Director Product Management Sack, MF and FibreForm, Billerud

Panellists: Simon Boas Hoffmeyer, Director, Group Sustainability, Carlsberg Group Gittan Schiรถld, CEO, Paper Bottle Company A/S Bineke Posthumus, Director Business Development, Avantium Gina Isoldi, Global Packaging Fabric & Home Care Senior Director, Procter & Gamble

14:40 Flexible initiative

โ€ข State of industry

โ€ข Setting the scene and describing the challenges we have in flexible packaging

โ€ข Explain aim of the flexible initiative overall proposal Feliks Bezati, Global Circular Packaging Director, Mars Can Buharali, Senior Director, Global Public Affairs, Mondelฤ“z International

15:10 Networking break sponsored by 15:55 Procter & Gamble and BillerudKorsnรคs's collaboration on sustainable packaging

โ€ข The idea

โ€ข The Journey

โ€ข Market response Nuria Renom, Senior Director Product Management, Billerud Dr. Michael Remus, Packaging Technologist, Procter & Gambleโ€™s Feminine Care R&D Packaging



Chair: Nรบria Renom, Senior Director Product Management Sack, MF and FibreForm, Billerud

16:20 CIRCULARITY AND REUSABILITY PANEL: 5-minute snapshot presentations will be followed by a Q&A session

โ€ข How to integrate reusability in operations?

โ€ข Success and failures in upscaling reusability

โ€ข Shared cleaning facilities & logistics infrastructure

โ€ข Harmonised bulk dispensing units and reusable packaging across brands

โ€ข Best practice case studies and new business models

Panel moderator: Nรบria Renom, Senior Director Product Management Sack, MF and FibreForm, Billerud Panellists: Sarah Greenwood, Packaging Technology Expert/Leader, Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Sheffield Catherine Conway, Founder, Unpackaged Tony Rossi, VP Global Business Development, TerraCycle


Chair: Kelly L. Helein, Vice President, Strategic Accounts, Footprint

17:05 BIG BRAND PANEL: Recycling, reusability, circular economy and climate change, collaboration for sustainability - concluding from discussions of the day

Panel moderator: Kelly L. Helein, Vice President, Strategic Accounts, Footprint Panellists: Giacomo Canali, Research, Development and Quality Packaging Research and Sustainability Manager, Barilla G. e R. Fratelli S.p.A. Zoe Newton, Packaging & Circular Supply Chains Senior Manager, Haleon Consumer Healthcare Abhijit Bhattacharya, Group Leader Fiber-based Packaging R&D, Nestlรฉ Simon Boas Hoffmeyer, Director, Group Sustainability, Carlsberg Group More panellists to be announced

Conference Day Two - Thursday 3 November




08:50 Chairโ€™s opening remarks, Alexey Vishtal, Head of Novel Packaging Development, MM Group

09:00 Rethinking the packaging system

โ€ข Overview of the critical challenges in achieving packaging circularity.

โ€ข The impact of coming recycling targets on packaging waste reduction in the EU.

โ€ข In depth scenarios analysis of the packaging industry in 2030, what is needed most?

Paul Krochak, Director Research & Business Development, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

09:25 Innovating packaging through circular design What is the role of design in creating circular packaging systems? Through the case study of Yangi, we will explore how to move from a linear way of creating packaging to one that is based on creating value for people and business, within the planetary boundaries. Kinge Gardien, Partner & Specialist Circular Design, FutureLab & Partners

09:50 Outlook of fiber based packaging for long shelf life food packaging

โ€ข Recyclability of high barrier paper

โ€ข LCA aspects of high barrier paper

โ€ข Key challenges Abhijit Bhattacharya, Group Leader Fiber-based Packaging R&D, Nestlรฉ

10:15 Circularity and technological advancements in recycling as a crucial aspect for the future of sustainable packaging

โ€ข Routes to sustainable packaging: reduce, replace, recycle

โ€ข Circular economy needs a power of collaboration.

โ€ข Technological advancement in recycling processes & legislation have direct impact on the future of packaging & circular economy

โ€ข Mondiโ€™s Closed Loop example for Paper Thomas Kahl, Head of Sustainable Packaging Solutions for FMCG & Industrial Channels, Mondi

11:25 KEYNOTE: Buy less, demand more?

โ€ข Missionโ€ฆ Saving our home planet

โ€ข Milestonesโ€ฆ Working towards a mission

โ€ข Not there yetโ€ฆ The mission never ends Jennifer Patrick, Global Packaging and Branding, Patagonia

11:50 Fresh or recycled fibres in packaging - how to choose? Key considerations taking into account future developments and supply chain collaboration Jesse Rep, Director Sustainability, Packaging Material Division, Stora Enso

12:15 PANEL: Packaging materials- how they are going to look in 2030?

โ€ข What is driving material choice for brands and retailers? Net zero emissions, recyclability, EPR, DRS, end-of-life fate in littering, cost and availability?

โ€ข How would demand for conventional plastics, bio-based plastics, compostable plastics and fibre-based packaging will look in future?

โ€ข What are the key innovations in material and conversion technologies enabling transition to alternative materials?

โ€ข To which extent and quality we can recycle (incl. organic recycling) different materials: Mechanical and chemical recycling of plastics, paper recycling?

โ€ข Is LCA methodology up-to-date for novel materials? Can we capture acute effects of packaging littering in environmental assessment? Panel moderator: Simon Boas Hoffmeyer, Director, Group Sustainability, Carlsberg Group Panellists: Alexey Vishtal, Head of Novel Packaging Development, MM Group Michael Delle Selve, Head of Marketing and Communications, FEVE Johan Lunabba, VP Sustainability & Public Affairs, Ahlstrom Thomasine Kamerling, Executive Vice President Sustainability and Communications, Huhtamaki Lars Lundquist, Senior Expert Packaging Sustainability, Nestlรฉ (tentative)

13:15 Networking lunch

Chair: Chantal Semaan, Application Technology Manager CP, Borealis

14:15 Co-creating a recyclable high barrier fiber-based flexible packaging solution: oneBARRIER fibreCycle

โ€ข Paper as a sustainable coating base for high barrier solutions

โ€ข Designing a multi-functional coating system

โ€ข Optimising converting machine design

โ€ข Ultimately Delivering a High Performance Flexible Packaging Solution Janne Varvemaa, Director, Products & Technology, UPM Specialty Papers Thierry Van Migem, Director, Sales, Michelman Dr. Carolin Struller, CEng Department Head of R&D, Bobst

14:40 How CFlex works towards a circular economy for flexible packaging

โ€ข Design for recycling of flexible packaging

โ€ข Constantia Flexibles solutions and approach

โ€ข Challenges and roadblocks for circularity

Daniel Winkler, Executive Vice President Corporate Strategy & Sustainability, Constantia Flexibles Aluminum-based flexible packaging as a key material for a circular economy Benefits of aluminum based packaging in a circular economy and the relevance of responsible sourcing Clemens Zimmerer, Strategic Product Manager Sustainability and Martina Wagner, Group Sustainability Manager, Constantia Flexibles International GmbH

15:10 A sustainability story

โ€ข Consumers and brands โ€“ driving towards a circular economy

โ€ขDelivering packaging for a sustainable future

โ€ข Success stories - sustainable packaging innovation globally Christopher Davidson , Vice President, Sustainability, WestRock



08:50 Chairโ€™s opening remarks, Carlos Ludlow-Palafox, CEO, Enval

09:00 KEYNOTE: How to take the right decision related to packaging alternatives? What are the relevant metrics to consider? How interpret multiindicator metrics? The presentation will show the approach used by NDG applying the SPHERE framework, summarising the key outcomes and main challenges encountered Lars Lundquist, Senior Expert Packaging Sustainability, Nestlรฉ and Stefan Frehland, Sustainability Consultant, Quantis

09:30 KEYNOTE: Intelligent sorting - plastic recycling, collaborative action, disruptive sorting projects Adrian Sen, Packaging Innovation and Sustainability Manager, Colgate & Palmolive

09:55 Design for a circular economy (D4ACE) guidance - an insight into CEFLEXโ€™s work and testing programme

โ€ข Insights on how flexible packaging moves through end-of-life processes and generates value in a circular economy based on a comprehensive 2022 testing programme

โ€ข Highlights of the robust, independent and credible data generated and consequences for improving packaging design choices in the future

โ€ข Perspectives on if and how the flexible packaging structures that are not currently widely sorted and mechanically recycled could be technically sorted and recycled in the future Dr. Dennis Bankmann, Independent Scientific Consultant, CEFLEX, Germany

10:20 Q&A session

11:25 PANEL: What stops your EPR system to ensure circularity in your country?

โ€ข What are the main barriers in different countries?

โ€ข What can the industry do to help to overcome these barriers?

โ€ข What should the EU do? Panel moderator: Joachim Quoden, Lawyer and Managing Director, EXPRA, Europe Panellists: Amanda Fuso Nerini, Head of International Affairs, CONAI Alexander Urmanov, Executive Director, Ecopack Bulgaria Anne-Marth Vrind, Business Development & Innovatie, Avalfonds Verpakkingen Romane Colleu, EU Policy Officer, Citeo Jens NieรŸmann, Managing Director, Reclay Systems GmbH

12:15 PANEL: How is chemical recycling maturing? Where are we with acceptability and future scalability?

โ€ข What is the risk of chemical recycling cannibalising mechanical recycling?

โ€ข How can we expand on mechanical recycling?

โ€ข Legislation on food contact

โ€ข Bio mass certification Panel moderator: Dr. Gerald Rebitzer, Sustainability Director, Amcor Panellists: Dr. Peter Sandkuehler, Director for Sustainability Europe, Middle East and Africa, Dow Graham Houlder, Project Coordinator, CEFLEX and Managing Director, Sloop Consulting B.V. Carlos Monreal, Founder and CEO, Plastic Energy Jeroen Kelder, Partner, Infinity Recycling Carlos Ludlow-Palafox, CEO, Enval

Chair: Luca A. Zerbini, Founding Partner and CEO, Una Terra Venture Capital Fund

14:15 START-UP PANEL 7-minute snap shot presentations on sustainable solutions, will be followed by a panel discussion Panel moderator: Luca. A. Zerbini, Founding Partner and CEO, Una Terra Venture Capital Fund Connected packaging through QR codes, an enabler to Digital DRS, sustainability and consumer engagement Ivan Gonzalez, CEO, recycl3R Navigating the complexity of international recyclability The international recyclability landscape is evolving quickly: national legislation, new labelling requirements, eco-modulation and differing waste infrastructure in each country make it challenging for companies to design their packaging to be recyclable in all markets Concrete example of the differing recyclability requirements of one packaging in 2 European countries Outlook into developments towards harmonisation Customer example: How can packaging be optimized for recycling Vivian Loftin, Co-Founder, Recyda Real-time data on packaging waste at sorting facilities unlocks game-changing insights on recyclability Mikela Druckman, Co-founder & CEO, Greyparrot Is Nanocoating the Future of High-Performance Sustainable Packaging? Chee Hau Teoh, CEO and Co-Founder and Jhi Yong Loke, CTO and Co-Founder, Nfinite Nanotechnology

15:00 PANEL โ€“ How packaging can drive circularity through labelling requirements and digital solutions Panel moderator: Alessandro Bizzotto, Head of Media and Press Relations, CONAI โ€ข The environmental labelling requirements in France.

โ€ข Guidelines about the labelling requirements in Italy: a storytelling about an effective joint work โ€ข Italy and France present a common solution of labelling to facilitate companiesโ€™ compliance to the labelling requirements

โ€ข Comply with the Italian labelling requirements through digital solutions: CONAI initiatives to support companies

โ€ข Labelling requirements and digital solutions: a case study Colleu Romane, EU Public Affairs, CITEO Luca Ruini, President, CONAI Speaker to be confirmed, Tobacco company

Bio-based workshop (in-person)* Thursday 3November, 16:00 โ€“ 18:00 CET time


Drop-in packaging plastic (PP, PE) produced with renewable feedstock, using mass balance certification What 2nd generation waste & residue feedstocks are used - Martin Bussman, Senior Brand Owner Manager at Neste Learn how PP and PE produced from renewable resources can help you decouple from fossil feedstock and reduce your carbon footprint of your packaging plastics - Chantal Semaan, Application Technology Manager CP at Borealis What drop-in bio-PP solutions are also available with C14 bio-content - Floris Buijzen, Strategic Platform Leader Economy Solutions at Borealis How mass-balance chain of custody gives transparency in the supply chain and secures sustainability of the feedstock used - Jasmine Brinkmann, Senior System Manager Sustainability at ISCC For further workshop information and to register, please click here:

Global EPR workshop (in-person)* Friday 4 November, 08:00 - 10:30 CET time

Global EPR developments and packaging sustainability reporting best practice This workshop will take a closer look at the rapidly expanding global packaging extended producer responsibility regulations, trends, and costs to brand owners. It will also cover the broad scope of similarly aligned legislation and trends including post-consumer recycled content requirements, design guidelines, single-use plastic regulations, eco-modulated EPR fees, on-pack labelling, plastic taxes, voluntary reporting and more. For further workshop information and to register, please click here: