is driven by a rich cultural heritage, cutting-edge innovation, and a commitment to excellence.

The II Cosmetic Packaging Innovation Meeting for the Perfumery and Cosmetics sector, organized by Feeling Innovation by Stanpa and the technological centers AINIA and AIMPLAS, will take place in person in Valencia on February 15, 2024. Special prices are available for companies associated with AINIA, Feeling Innovation by Stanpa, or AIMPLAS.
The forum will foster open dialogue among manufacturers, brands of perfumes, cosmetics, and personal care products, and the value chain, aiming to address trends, challenges, and issues in the sector related to recycled and alternative materials, recycling, and reuse. Innovative solutions and specific success cases from the sector will be presented, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage in networking sessions with both fellow participants and speakers.
Target Audience:
Professionals interested in the theme of the event: manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials, packaging manufacturers, cosmetic brands, and other companies utilizing packaging.
In-person event at the AINIA facilities in Paterna (Valencia). How to get there.
This meeting, starting at 9:30 CEST with attendee reception and concluding at 17:30, will feature two thematic blocks comprising over twelve presentations and success cases. Additionally, networking opportunities will be provided during the welcome coffee and lunch breaks.
9:30 Registration and welcome coffee.
10:15 Welcome.
Session 1: Packaging in the Perfumery and Cosmetics Sector
10:20 "Challenges and Trends in Cosmetic Packaging." Susana Arranz, Feeling Innovation; and Lucía Jiménez, Stanpa.
Session 2: Sustainable Materials and Packaging Reuse
10:50 Introduction to Session 2. Concha Bosch, AINIA.
11:00 "Sustainable Plastics for Cosmetic Packaging." Andrés Cámara, ALBIS.
11:20 "Introduction to Bio-Plastics and Some Possible Applications." Steven Schuitema, FKUR. Presentation in English.
11:40 "Flexible Packaging: Solutions for More Sustainable Products and Alternatives." Carlos Navarro Beneyto, Sales Executive at Taghleef Industries.
12:00 "Is it Possible to join Sustainability, Circularity, and Digitalization in Cosmetic Packaging?" Jesús Beneyto, FACA Packaging.
12:20 "Reuse as a New Circular Economy Model in Cosmetic Packaging." Rosa González and Lorena Rodríguez, AIMPLAS.
12:40 Audience Questions.
13:00 Lunch and facility tour.
Session 3: Innovative Solutions - Success Stories
15:00 Introduction to Session 3. AIMPLAS.
15:05 "Innovation and Use of Recycled Materials in Plastic Packaging – Success Cases." Natalia Campos, ENPLAST.
15:25 "Sustainable Innovation in Cosmetic Droppers." Verena Fiori Ferreira, Virospack.
15:45 "Success Cases in Innovation and Sustainability in Cosmetic Packaging": Air-Val, Germaine de Capuccini, Martiderm, RNB.
16:25 "Eyetracking: Perception of Sustainability in Skincare Products." María Lorente, AINIA.
16:45 Audience Questions.
17:00 Closing of the Meeting.
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