MP2024 awards for innovation and sustainability in barrier packaging now open for entries
The call for entries will be open until 14 February 2024
The MP2024 Awards are for national and international companies whose innovations contribute to the development of sustainable packaging solutions Valencia, 25 January 2024. MeetingPack, the biennial meeting organized by AINIA and AIMPLAS that attracts members from the entire packaging value chain, has announced the second edition of the MP2024 Awards, which aim to recognize innovations in barrier packaging and sustainability developed by professionals and organizations for application in industry.

Previous year
The awards are for national and international manufacturers of materials, films, sheets, preforms, containers, packaging equipment, recycling systems and packaging systems that contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for industry.
The awards are presented in two categories: flexible packaging solutions (films) and rigid packaging solutions (trays and/or bottles).
These innovations can be applicable to any of the areas of the sector, including materials, packaging, equipment and processes
Call for applications open until 14 February
The call for applications will be open until 14 February. The application must be submitted on the form available in the MP2024 Awards section of the MeetingPack website.
The candidatures will be evaluated by a jury made up of a panel of specialists from the scientific and organizing committee of the event, as well as relevant figures from business, institutions and the scientific
The assessment of the applications will take into account the applicability and impact of the innovation on the market, its technical and quality properties, and its environmental benefits.
Three finalists in each category will be selected from the applications submitted. The finalists will have a designated space at the conference venue, where their product or innovation will be exhibited. They will also present their innovation at the preliminary event to be held on 9 April 2024. The winning entries will be announced at the conference dinner on 10 April 2024.
Thirty specialists will discuss barrier packaging in Valencia.
The sixth edition of MeetingPack,
whose programme is now published on its website , will bring together thirty specialists in barrier packaging, who will analyse the prospects of the sector to meet the sustainability objectives set by the 2030 Agenda in eight thematic blocks.
This will take place on 10 and 11 April at the Valencia Conference Centre. MeetingPack 2024 has the support of sponsoring companies, which include Raorsa, Enplater, Comexi, Faerch, Grupalia, Innotech, Knauf Industries, Kuraray, Lubrizol, Novamont, Quimóvil, Spg, Sealed Air, Total Energies- Corbion, Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd., Tpl and Ube, as well as the collaboration of relevant institutions and organizations in the packaging and food sector.