ALL4PACK Emballage Paris, as the worldwide exposition pioneering all sustainable packaging and intralogistics solutions, is a point of inspiration to help the sector's participants in the face of present and future difficulties. In this regard, the exhibition distinguishes itself by understanding market changes and laws, as well as promoting the most responsible technologies. ALL4PACK Emballage Paris undertook a survey* among the exhibition's community (packaging suppliers and user industries) ahead of its 2022 show (21-24 November, Paris Nord Villepinte) to measure its view of the future of packaging materials in order to remain relevant to the sector's concerns.
This new edition of ALL4PACK Emballage Paris will offer rich content and an array of special features and highlights:
The Objective Zero Impact forum, a one-of-a-kind hybrid event that aims to be both an interchange platform and a think tank, will bring together agents of long-term change. The current start-ups will provide novel and agile packaging and maintenance solutions: new materials, reusable and linked containers, robot programming tool...
The ALL4PACK Innovations section will be the showpiece for the 2022 Innovation Awards, which will open for entries in early May. Inspiring, forward-thinking, and innovative, this space will identify trends and allow visitors to discover the newest developments in the industries covered by the exhibition through the competition winners.
ALL4PACK Live Content, over the four days of the exhibition the area will present a rich and comprehensive program of lectures and round tables addressing the sector's fundamental issues: environmental, technical, and sociological, as well as the new habits of both French and foreign customers.
Attendees will be able to better grasp, analyze, and discern trends, future solutions, legislation, and new standards as a result of these lectures.
All discussions will be free, available to the public, and live translated (French/English).

Everyone in the ALL4PACK Emballage Paris community is aware of the need for a green transition: 88% regard using more ecologically friendly packaging to be a priority.
- Consumer expectations (69%), brand image benefits (56%), and legislative changes (49%), are the primary drivers of this move.
- Conversely, the barriers mentioned include, unexpectedly, the expense of using environmentally friendly products (63%) followed by availability (43%) and material quality (37%), hurdles that are more prominent among user industries (43%) than among suppliers (27%).

The introduction of new materials has increased diversity:
Paper-cardboard (77%) and plastic (73%) continue to be the most common packaging materials. Biomaterials are currently employed in just 18% of cases.
Nonetheless, when questioned about the materials that would be utilized in the next two years, the ALL4PACK community seemed to have a clear vision.
User industries are virtually unanimous on the importance of using more environmentally friendly packaging materials: 88% of them see this issue as a priority.
- More than 50% of packaging suppliers believe that it is a major priority to use more environmentally friendly materials. French suppliers appear to be leading the way on the subject (100% see this issue as either a priority among others or a major priority).
Consumer expectations (69%) are the key cause driving the adoption of more environmentally friendly products in user sectors, particularly in the food industry (83%). The benefits to image (56%), legislative changes (49%), and top management aspirations (35%), are the second most often mentioned reasons, particularly in large corporations.
On the supply side, the same three factors top the podium, but with different results: 71% of consumers expect more ecologically friendly packaging materials.
Regulatory and legal reforms come in second (57%), followed by image advantages (55%). Many French respondents regard the problem of more ecologically friendly packaging material to be a top concern (an average of 74% on the first three categories).
The full findings of the survey and information about this event can be found on the website: